Junior Learning Community – How the world works

This week the JLC have been getting close up with the environment to support the central idea of:

Living and non-living things exist in connected communities.

The lines of inquiry are

  • observable features of living and non-living things
  • how living and non-living things are connected within their communities
  • how scientists communicate their findings

As you can see below, we are using our senses to carefully observe a range of fresh and dried leaves, nuts and branches and then record what we see as carefully as possible with shading and attention to detail a focus. Metrosideros Collina - click to show image approx. actual size - this image digitally watermarked and copyright NHM We discussed and viewed artists work from Cook’s adventures on the Endeavour as well as the creativity and imagination May Gibbs applied to native Australian plants in creating the Snugglepot and Cuddlepie series.  Spend some time outdoors exploring the uniqueness of God’s amazing creation!








SLC – Mind the Selfie!

Over the last few lessons, we have been experimenting with lighting, different angles, close-ups, long shots, backgrounds, distance, as well as exploring different features and tools of photographic apps.  Students are working towards putting together a 5-6 image portfolio that reflects their identity.  Students are also keeping note on what and why they have edited the way they have – what is the purpose? mood? message? etc.  What messages will your selfie presentation  communicate to the class, considering such things as: are you always that happy? What in the selfies are accurate? What is obscured or partially hidden? For example, looking closely at the selfie it is possible to just see part of a soccer ball, your favourite sport, or part of your pet? What is unclear or ambiguous or vague?

As you can see, we have some great photographers and image manipulators.  There has also been great discussions about what is real and true, and what is not.